Monday, August 4, 2008


Weekend just past, for me this weekend didn't do much things. Just bring some document back from office to do checking.

Today is Monday, 4 of August 2008, i absent from work because i'm sick, this morning went to see doctor, find out that my blood sugar is high 7.2. Is impossible for me, because i seldom drink sweet stuffs.

Last week also don a good week for me, things that make me happy is only i bought a new camera from PC fair...face a lots of difficulty recently...found out that most people around are selfish...selfish is human nature, i guess...y we need to act selfish, y not is be generous a bit.

Selfish can protect our self? can someone tell me the answer? y not just love one another that the world will be peace and no politics.

1 comment:

ting said...

If everyone act generously as u said, there is no task for a human and human won't learn and grow. God put us this way because he wants us to learn and grow. Believe and seek him always. :-)